Modify C++ code.
1-if numberoftries used by user but not guess the correct answer print You can;t guess the correct random number and then print on second line” The correct random number is ——- “this.
2-Then ask from user if you want to play again or not if not then excute the program.
//included header file for basic input output stream
#include <iostream>
//included header file for file stream
#include <fstream>
//included header file to use rand() function
#include <cstdlib>
//included header file to use time() function
#include <ctime>
//included namespace
using namespace std;
//function to generate random number
int generateRandom();
void tooLow();
void tooHigh();
void guessedCorrect();
void checkGuess(int guess, int randomNumber);
void guessGame();
int generateRandom()
//use srand() function to change the random number after each execution
srand((unsigned int) time(0));
//generated a random number between 1-50 through rand() function
int randomNumber = ((rand() % 50)+1);
//return random number to main()
return randomNumber;
//function tooLow()
void tooLow()
//print statement to print the message
cout << “You have guessed too low.” << endl;
//function tooHigh()
void tooHigh()
//print statement to print the message
cout << “You have guessed too high.” << endl;
//function guessedCorrect()
void guessedCorrect()
char choice;
//print statement to print the message
cout << “You have guessed correct.” << endl;
cout << “\nDo you want to play again (Y or N): ” << endl;
cin >> choice;
switch (choice)
case ‘y’:
case ‘n’:
cout << endl;
//function to check guess
void checkGuess(int guess, int randomNumber)
//If the users guesses below the number
if (guess < randomNumber)
//call a function tooLow()
//If they guess over that number
else if(guess > randomNumber)
//call a function tooHigh()
//else statement
//call a function guessedCorrect()
//function to start game
void guessGame()
//welcome message
cout << “————Welcome to the game————” << endl;
//variable declaration
int guess, level, trial = 0, numberOfTries;
cout << “Enter level of game: ” << endl;
cout << “Press 1 for easy level” << endl;
cout << “Press 2 for medium level” << endl;
cout << “Press 3 for hard level” << endl;
//input level
cin >> level;
//switch level
switch (level)
//case 1
case 1:
//assign numberOfTries to 8
numberOfTries = 8;
//case 2
case 2:
//assign numberOfTries to 5
numberOfTries = 5;
//case 3
case 3:
//assign numberOfTries to 2
numberOfTries = 2;
//default case
//display message “Wrong choice entered.”
cout << “Wrong choice entered.” << endl;
//while loop run until numberOfTries
//calling generateRandom
int randomNumber = generateRandom();
while (trial < numberOfTries)
cout << “Enter your guess: “;
//input number from user
cin >> guess;
//calling checkGuess()
checkGuess(guess, randomNumber);
//increment trial
//main function
int main()
int randomNumber;
//declared variable guess
int pin, filePin;
int i = 0;
//created file
ifstream file;
//opening file“gamePin.txt”);
//input pin from user
while (i < 3)
cout << “Enter pin: “;
cin >> pin;
//extract pin from file
file >> filePin;
//compare user pin and pin in file
if (pin == filePin)
//calling guessGame()
//else statement
//display message “Wrong pin”
cout << “Wrong pin” << endl;
return 0;
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